Just Add Water

On a recent Friday, we decided to take a mini field trip to Heckrodt Wildlife Reserve to look at the Indian Artifacts and other things. This is Andy, Alena, Danelle and Noah inside a house made of birch bark.

The girls are holding drums and Andy is holding a turtle shell.

There was a tank with turtles and big fish and it was low enough for Livi to look into. I thought it was so cute when the turtle was stretching it's neck up to her and she was leaning in to him.

We walked through the whole building and then decided to go out for a walk on the trails. This is a photo off the boardwalk. We were able to spot 4 deer tramping through the woods as well. The kids were having a great time walking and just enjoying the outdoors when the drops starting to come......

First it was a light pitter-patter and that grew progressively worse and soon we were in a down pour! The little ones were in their umbrella strollers and the older kids were running ahead. I would shout " Turn Right!!". They would and we would run for a while down the slippery boardwalk and then " Turn Right!!!". We finally made it back to the building but we were all soaked. What a blast we had! I love playing in the rain.


JoJo said…
What a sweet pic of Livi and the turtle. They look like they are making friends with each other!
Martha said…
I love Olivia's picture. That is just too cute. Looks like you all had fun - and got a shower to top it all off.

Whish I could have been with you - sounds like you had a great time!!