Strangers to Her

This past Saturday we ventured North to visit family. We had a wonderful time with Uncle and Auntie, talking and eating. After lunch Daddy, Andy and Uncle went out on the back half of their property to fire a few rounds. Andy was able to shoot a .22 and a 9mm hand gun.

Later Auntie and I made 2 batches of her famous fudge and she sent us home with pickles and pickled green beans, which are half gone already.

We had one more stop to make and we were a little hesitant. We had to see Great Grandma Dupee.

We got to her room and she , of course, didn't recognize us. It had been close to a year but I don't think time had made any differance. Her memory isn't what it used to be.
We sat and tried to jog her memory but she was confused and kept asking us what we wanted.

At one point, I just stared into her face. It was a face that I loved. She had raised my husband. I remembered the talks that we had had and the times that we had shared. I remembered talking to her on the phone after Steve and I were married and hearing her crying on the other end because she was happy for us.
I remember her holding Andy for the first time.
I remembered all the times we came to see her and her having all kinds of food set out just for us.
And in that moment of staring into her face, I wanted so badly for her to remember us- remember what she meant to us and what we meant to her.
It was useless though and Steve said it was time to go. He said at least the last time he could see that she recognized him, but this time we were just strangers.
We didn't hug her either, we didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. In parting we said " We knew you once and just wanted to stop in to say hi."

The only comfort we have is knowing that when we are all together in Heaven, she will know us again and we will be together forever.


Anonymous said…
wow. sigh...that's so sad, but you're right. It's comforting to know that God has everything under control and someday we'll all be together in heaven. :-)